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About Me: Nuria McGrath

I've been there, lived there,
paid rent there too.

I've been blessed with many life challenges, nothing is far fetched for me.

Come as you are and share your stories with me.

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My 'Why'

Finding me...again

"What do you want to do after you graduate Nuria?" a college classmate asked. "Well, after completing three years in the Coast Guard Officer Corp, I'll join 'Teach for America', teach inner city students while pursuing a PhD in Psychology. I'll finish my degree at the age of 27 and then open up a daycare and a hair salon", I replied. "Wow, have you factored in a family?" he asked. "No," I replied, "You can't plan for that."


For me, those words were true. I went on to get pregnant at the age of 21 and while I still went into the

Coast Guard Officer Corp and even joined AmeriCorps, I, somewhere along the way, lost my ability to fully dream, to say 'no' to things, ideas, requests that didn't align with me, and to be happy. I lost my ability to find space for myself in my own life. I pushed down my inner voice and after gaining a husband and two more children, I became an angry, victimized, bitter, and unhappy person with no boundaries on myself (I even went to the bathroom with the door open!).


I remember it like it was yesterday, it was a crisp fall evening, the sun had just set and I was raking leaves in the yard while my husband, arriving home from work, walked past me without a word. I remember thinking, Who wouldn’t offer to help? That night, I asked him, “Do you like me?” His response shattered me: “I don’t know.”


In that moment, I realized how much of my world revolved around him liking me. If he didn’t like me, who was I? I didn’t have an answer. That realization was the spark that set me on a journey of transformation—not just for my marriage, but for myself and for him, as two human beings trying to coexist and thrive.


I turned inward, starting with small but powerful steps. I meditated daily, retreating to my closet with a candle and Deepak Chopra when I felt hopeless and fearful. I exercised every day and leaned on prayer groups with friends to shift my focus from self-blame to self-awareness. Slowly but surely, I began to peel back the layers of hopelessness, frustration, and guilt that had been building for years by being everything to everyone else, yet somehow never enough for myself.


But then COVID hit, and like many others, I was stuck at a computer all day while caring for small children, the weight of the world bearing down on me—literally. The pain in my neck and shoulders became constant, a physical reminder of how much I was carrying. I was overwhelmed, overworked, and still prone to the occasional outburst when life felt too much to handle.


That’s when Furia, the fire-breathing dragon, revealed herself to me. Furia was the part of me that erupted when I wasn’t taking care of myself—when I said yes to everyone else, denying my own needs. She showed up in the small, everyday moments, like the evening I came home from my daughter’s soccer practice, starving, only to find that my husband hadn’t made the spaghetti I’d asked for. That was all it took for Furia to take over, spewing flames of anger and frustration at my family.  


But Furia wasn’t the problem; she was the messenger. She showed up to tell me something wasn’t right—that I was neglecting myself, trying to please everyone else while starving my own soul.


As painful as those moments were, they were also my wake-up call. I leaned further into meditation, prayer, and healing practices like yoga and Reiki. Through coaching, I started journaling, reflecting, and asking myself tough questions. Slowly, I learned to listen to Furia—not as an enemy, but as a signal that something needed to change.


Through this journey, I discovered how to honor myself. I learned that saying yes to me—even if it meant saying no to someone else—wasn’t selfish; it was essential. And as I softened toward myself, the most incredible thing happened: my relationships began to transform.


My husband and I found our way back to each other in a way I never thought possible. Our relationship became more vibrant, more loving, and even a little spicy again. We laugh together now, we connect on a deeper level, and we’ve rediscovered the joy of being a team.  My girls noted to me that seeing me change let them know that they can change too; they never have to feel stuck in who they were, limited by past decisions. 


Today, I’ve found freedom from the pain that once weighed me down—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I’m playful, curious, and alive. I’m no longer Furia, but I honor her for what she taught me. Love, I’ve realized, isn’t a static thing. It’s a process—a continuous dance of giving and receiving, of showing up for myself so I can show up for the people I care about.


This journey has been humbling, and it’s brought me to where I am now: helping others move through their own fires and find freedom on the other side. My transformation took years, but the most significant leaps happened when I committed to fully honoring myself and living in alignment with my purpose.


Are you ready to take that first step? Because when you honor yourself, the most beautiful new story can unfold. Let’s write it together.

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Are You?


I'm Nuria, your vibrant recovering anger addict and people pleaser.  My light shines where ever I go, that's my super power.  I want to teach you to unlock your Golden light as well. Sign up now for my free workshop on Thursday, February 6th at 7 p.m. EST. Give yourself permission to be here!

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